What if I told you there was MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE?
That crystals can reveal important lessons emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, and physically.
I would like to teach you everything I know about crystal healing and how it works, and explore & learn even more alongside with you!
Maybe you've been told that what you sense isn't real.
Maybe you are starting to wake up to the possibility there's far more in this life than you've been taught.
And there are big changes coming for you and us.
Crystal Coven II is a bit different than a traditional coaching program. I get questions all the time about how crystal healing works and why use crystals? So, I decided to trust my intuition and make this course two parts: one part Mystery School and one part a community coaching program with crystal synchronization. I will I share the wisdom of the mysteries of crystals and the metaphysical world, and how our "world" is waking us up to connection almost beyond comprehension! AND you'll journey alongside others in the Coven to see how we all weave together.
The mystery school call each month is about the exploration of the world beyond the veil: how crystal healing works and the modalities you can use to maximize interaction, why this SOUL work is so important, and I'll share crystalline guidance -- the metaphysical and ancient secrets, like the (re)discovery of the Elemental Realms, the Rays of Consciousness, the role of Grace, and Ascended Teachers. You'll learn who YOUR team is, how to connect with them, and have a community to ask questions and play in curiosity.
The other call will be a community aka COVEN building call to support the theme of that month, working with the same types of crystals so that we can, together, see how crystal healing works and understand why crystals are able to do what they do. Crystals impact us, and this part of the month will be an open session for all to discuss what changes, insights, and growth crystals have inspired and catalyzed!
We have two animal guides for this program:
Swan and Serpent.
Both are dually reflective of transformation, growth, and change with deeply spiritual connected roots across many different indigenous and pagan beliefs and healing modalities. Each of these animals speak to our intuitive and primal nature and are perfect guides for this Mystery School. They reconnect us with the mysteries of the ancient world, and guide us on how to integrate this in a New Earth.
Monthly themes:
Each month will have its own unique theme and crystal. There will be a weekly prompt or exercise that will be food for thought and consideration. My mission is for Crystal Coven is to bring deeper connection with authenticity and magic/spiritual wisdom. This group renounces the shame and relegation of the Sacred Feminine and magic, we reclaim what it means to organize, and, as practitioners of transformational magic, this coven is our sacred space.
It’s time for us to bring the mindfulness and normalcy of our beliefs, even if they may be contrary to the mainstream! It is about acceptance and exploration of what is beyond. When we venture through this mystical veil, transformation happens. I believe that with a healthy dose of curiosity, we can understand the intersection of both the “real” world and the expansiveness of the in-between.
We’ll build authenticity within the group so that we can bring brighter, sparklier presence in the world. Crystals will be our instruments of connection and will be picked based on group consensus. One month will be devoted entirely dedicated to work with meteors and exploring Extra Terrestrial awareness!
We will blend learning with the magical so that the mystical feels as comfortable as a warm, spring day.
Month 1:
Purpose: How crystals move energy through the emotional body to affect the physical and spiritual bodies, what the light body is, and the reciprocity of the vibrational bodies and how they are all interrelated. We’ll explore the foundational basics of crystal healing: elemental energies, sacred geometry, and WHY we use crystals. You'll learn how to talk about crystals in a way that makes sense, clearly, so you can feel confident talking about how they work.
Discussion: Crystal Healing basics, how to use crystals, vibrational healing, foundation for mixing soul/spiritual growth within the Human realm, chakras
What We’re Rocking: Lemurian Quartz and Labradorite
Month 2:
Purpose: Connecting with the new earth, grounding into the future paradigm as opposed to current earth--why unload our shit and dump it onto Gaia? We are meant to connect through a Higher Sense and responsibility! We can clear the lower vibration frequencies and be grounded. This month we will discuss why this is important and why the shift is happening!
This month's lesson is RADICAL. I've received a new form of grounding and practice to help call in the future YOU want and how we can anchor into it presently. There's an alignment between Earth and Cosmos, and you'll want to hear more!
Discussion: Realms within Earth, NEW EARTH and new grounding techniques and style, animal guides, how to direct energy with elementals, oils & plant medicine
What We’re Rocking: Root Chakra/Grounding stone or Smokey Quartz
Month 3:
Grace: What is grace and what is its magic and power?
Purpose: This month we’ll dive into Allowance, and learn about control as it exists on the spectrum. Why is it that we hold on so tightly with familiarity to resentment, anger, and other unprocessed emotions? This is the month to reclaim vulnerability and empower yourself to establish health connections and boundaries with self and others. This will boost your confidence and allow you to feel as radiant as the August sun! We’ll be looking at the polarity of this realm and how crystals can help you learn how to balance understand the boundaries of your experience.
Discussion: Crystal Keys and Polarities, Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, "between the opposites, lies the path", Power of Authenticity
What We’re Rocking: Coven’s choice for Sacral Chakra stone or Heart Chakra stone
Month 4:
Enrichment: Diving into Soul and the Connection with Archetypes
Purpose: What if your senses were more readily accessible? What if you could learn how to discern and translate what you are feeling? Through emotional intelligence and empathy, we’ll be exploring the archetypal energies and how to tap into God/Goddesses and Ascended Masters to align and integrate your Soulful experience in a more authentic and grounded way. If you could talk to these entities (which you will learn how this month!), what would you like to learn from them? How do they interact with you? What is their purpose in your life?
Discussion: Ascended Masters and Archetypes, Chohans/Rays of Consciousness, Integration, Soul Groups, Karmic patterns and Ancestral
What We’re Rocking: Rainbow Moonstone, Selenite, or Amethyst
Month 5:
Openness: Change and Accessing the Cosmos
Purpose: Ready to go big or go home? Well maybe you’ll find your home amongst the stars!! You may have heard of starseeds and what they are, or maybe you know but it makes you feel uncomfortable. I’ve been there. This was a concept in the New Age world that I didn’t know WTF to make of it until I started exploring how I interact with change. For this month’s theme we’ll be diving into how you share and overcome resistance in your life. We will look at the old habits that are no longer serving you with integrity and how to discern what energies are yours and another’s. We’ll be working with crystals that are specifically meant to connect us to the BIGGER PICTURE of the old and new paradigms and how we can adapt to an ever changing world. This month will be OUT OF THIS WORLD.
Discussion: Starseeds, DNA activation, SOUL GROUPS, responding to change
What We’re Rocking: Moldavite or Libyan Gold Tektite
Month 6:
Consciousness: WTF is it? How to use it? And what it means for soul growth?
Purpose: What does it mean to be conscious? What is consciousness? When you do the work to learn how the Universe is all connected, there are more layers to how and why we are here now. Weaving the magical practical reality of this realm, we’ll synthesize all the months beforehand to explore the Third Eye and pineal gland. This is the woven fabric of how it all comes together and why it is important to stretch your awareness.
Why should we adopt ancient healing techniques in a modern world?
Discussion: Traversing the New Earth and the Old/New paradigm
What We’re Rocking: Old or New Stones. Old: Lapis Lazuli or Larimar or New: Cavansite or Phenacite
welcome to the crystal coven.
The Crystal Coven is a specially designed 6 months group coaching course to activate your adroit nature, and to step through the veil that connects our world with the Divine. Through recognizing your own natural, spiritual gifts, you'll be dazzled by the interconnectedness of our world. Through the employment of healing crystals, you'll learn that there is far more resonance than ever before which will expedite emotional, spiritual, and mental evolution.
I'm seeking 8-10 individuals for this program, Souls who are interested in going deeper within their reality, to challenge the blinders, and to shed the outdated, outworn paradigms in order to brilliantly shine in alignment with your Highest Self.
This program is one of intentionality--weaving together emotional intelligence and spiritual development. We'll have twice monthly group coaching calls here you will be able to exhume control of your life path and open yourself to deep healing and further information about what's going on "out there". When the blinders come off, you open yourself to transformation. . If you're heart and mind are ready and open, you'll find expressions of yourself you've forgotten and align them into the present to be more confident, less ruled by your emotions, and sovereign.
When I embarked my spiritual journey, I often felt alone as I started to explore things like tarot, astrology, and crystals. I didn't have many people to share my WHOAs and AH HAs with, which is why I created the Crystal Coven. I'll ask you questions that I won't be afraid to answer myself. Together, I'll hold the lantern as you embark through the Shadow and through the Veil.
In this course you'll be asked to gather SPECIFIC crystals (from your own collection/source or from me). The absolute must haves are Lemurian Quartz and Moldavite/Libyan Gold Tektite, as well as a heart, sacral, and root chakra stones.
You'll discover your own individual connection and meaning about these stones throughout the course through your own experiences, synchronicity and expansion.
If you're curious, let's schedule a complimentary, NO OBLIGATION call to see if it's a fit for you!
Finally, you'll receive a solo 1:1 coaching session with me (a $125 value). As well as a private Facebook group to connect to the other members of the Crystal Coven to generously share all the unbelievable magic that is happening for you! Altogether, this course is over a $1200 value.
Since this a pilot program, I am offering this 8 week group coaching course for an early bird rate $750 or 6 monthly payments of $125!
"There are times in my life when I struggle with self-worth and remembering my own value. This darkness keeps me from fully expressing myself in the world and putting myself out there, both personally and professionally. My session with Tiffany was by divine appointment. She helped me to reconnect with myself and to get in touch with the my gifts and talents. Tiffany helped me draw out what was already inside so that I could remember my own value and that, yes, I do have gifts for this world!
Tiffany has a magnetic personality and she sparkles with joy and enthusiasm. Thank you, Tiffany, for your presence and for helping me step more fully into my light."
- Amy
"Tiffany is wise, warm, wonderful, and true transformational life coach!
I am amazed by all that shifted."
Tiffany is an intuitive, creative, amazing coach who helped me identify and receive wisdom from my spiritual guides. She has many tools, including the use of crystals, guided visualization, and meditation. She is a powerful coach, who helped me to remember who I truly am inside. Thank you Tiffany for your presence and your amazing energy!