"Baby Yoda" Garnierite freeform
"Baby Yoda" Garnierite freeform
Garnierite: a heart chakra and intuitive development stone. Included with dravite aka brown tourmaline provides additional grounding properties to keep your feet on the ground, heart open, ready to venture.
I love garnierite because of its imagination stimulating energy. Remember getting lost in a story, or drawing out something magical? Garnierite reminds us that imagination is one of our more resilient qualities. There’s a practicality to garnierite, a rooted confidence that allows you to effortlessly whip up some magic. It’s our ability to endure and persist which makes us strong, garnierite stimulates this effort to cultivate strength.
While some associate garnierite as green moonstone, it’s more closely aligned with serpentine with higher nickel content. It’s also a feldspar when the marked flash is present.
Sometimes crystals tell me their archetype or personality, this one is definitely “baby yoda”! Are you her Mandalorian?
This piece has a bold, silver shimmery feldspar flash on one side, a blue, decidedly moonstone flash on the other, as well as an opalescent pole on her top.
Chakra: Root and Heart
Element: Water