::gestures broadly:: All the Feels Emotional Support Crystal Kit

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::gestures broadly:: All the Feels Emotional Support Crystal Kit

from $33.00

The “::gestures broadly:: all the feels emotional support” crystal kit!

There’s a whole lot of feelings up in our lives right now — in the normal sense of another year of just living, but here’s 2020 piling it on! All those years working with mindfulness, emotional development, meditation, and crystals converged, and I found that there’s room to practice whole-care.

Newly curated kit designed to specifically support your emotional subtle energy body. If you’ve been feeling despondent, depressed, apathetic, overwhelmed, sensing that there’s something wiser here…this kit may be supportive. I believe in synergy, and like educating the whole person, I believe in caring for the whole person, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. What I’ve learned with emotions and crystal work is that crystals have a way of sweetly recalibrating, through which you get better insight and a sense of support.

I’ve packed my personal favorites and the ones I often hear about positive influences so abundantly:

#oceanJasper : to see the wonder and joy possible. This is my must have for depression and anxiety. When you’re in depression it can be hard to detect the realm of possibility. Ocean Jasper gives you a sweet, innocent, playful disposition that can help you reconnect. What I love about ocean jasper is that it comes in so many different color combinations and patterns — those polka dots are easy to love!

🕊 #mossagate : firstly, moss agate is really cool because that’s plant life in there! When dealing with an abundance of feelings, specifically the broad spectrum that seem to compete for your attention, I find that it helps to give them expansive places to breathe. This means getting out in nature. Nature demonstrates a more consistent approach, that life is cyclical and that consistency can recalibrate your attitude — even if it’s just connection to this crystal in your pocket. Moss agate is a steady, fortitude, as unbiased and generous as nature.

🌈 #rainbowmoontone : rainbow moonstone makes sense of discernment: feelings or intuition? How do I know the difference and what does that reveal to me? I find rainbow moonstone to be such a nurturer of your inherent wisdom. It helps carry the emotional labor. Rainbow moonstone was a critical support system for me in my emotional development when going through a dark night of soul and awakening. She feels such evolved Priestess energy, they’re no longer gendered within the Masculine and Feminine paradigm. If I could characterize an archetype to go with rainbow moonstone, she’d be the Lady of the Lake. These pieces are very interesting because the inclusions are often tourmaline, which these pieces have rich black veins, and some pieces even have colorations of indicolite (blue tourmaline) and green tourmaline!

This crystal kit will be live tomorrow, in two sizes, Original, with a pocket sized rainbow moonstone, $33, and with a large rainbow moonstone palmstone with tourmaline inclusions, $65!

As always I recommend and encourage using crystals with traditional therapies and medicine. Crystals are meant to compliment, not entirely resolve. Please use your discernment and common sense.

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