Turquoise Nugget

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Turquoise Nugget


Turquoise (and teal) have been so prescient this year. I feel this color is the Feminine of the Priestess and Mother Mary. The aqualine ether that’s powerful and healing. It fosters spiritual expansion AND wholeness.

Because you’re not intrinsically broken.

You’re enough.

What if you could view others through the lens of compassion and forgiveness?

Light, as love, is found in the generosity of giving it. Therefore practicing compassionate love for others (particularly in challenging times) eradicates dis-ease and darkness. The sharing expands your ability to love yourself — even if it feels so far away in possibility to do so.

Turquoise bridges that connection, and reminds you that the most purifying force is to be love where their was little-to-none.

All pieces have been tested for authenticity. You will receive a random piece from the Pink Chalice.

Chakra: Upper Heart Chakra aka Thymus Chakra, sometimes referred to as “Seat of the Soul”
Element: Storm (All), Metal
Astrology: Sagittarius and PIsces

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