New Moon in Scorpio.jpg

We are here in the belly of the snake, and we are schluffing off our skin as we enter a new paradigm of embodied femininity and guess what? We will use the untraditional, powerful tools of witchcraft and sorcery. We are changing, and what was, can no longer persist. 

The emotions of scorpio are astute, keen, observing. The sign is water so this new moon is inviting us to gaze into the dark ocean water, the bottomless vast receptive bowl of earth. While the energy can feel daunting, there's a provocation of empowerment. Because there is a palpability of luminosity with water, the sky is blue because the light waves reflect off the ocean's surface. When we look into our watery emotions, we can see the capacity for our brightness. The light refracts off the depths, what we don't need anymore is absorbed into the depths and what is equitable is the light that is created from our strength and effort to try. 

The crystals present in the image: 

Azurite: open your third eye and allow your intuition to guide you. Don't allow your brain to rationally try and dismiss what you are sensing.

Labradorite: allow magic to happen, notice the illuminated cracks puncture "normalcy" and remind you that there's playfulness and joy in transformation.

Blue Tiger Eye: you have the stamina and courage to stand up for your convictions and beliefs. You are protected by soul and spirit, and you can traverse everything in your path. Like water, you're cool and calm, unrattled. 


For more information on the New Moon join me in Rock On with Tiffany on Facebook as I give my tips and more in-depth insight about the moon this evening.